2022 Annual Report

2022 was a year of change and impact for The Greenwood Promise. The Promise was initially an educational piece of Greenwood County’s economic development strategic plan with the goal of increasing the number of skilled, trained employees for our ever growing economy. In 2019, I was hired as the Executive Director with a background in education. So many of my former students would have benefited from the financial support of The Greenwood Promise, but I knew there was so much more they needed to be “college and career ready.” Luckily, that passion aligned with the ultimate mission of The Promise, thoughtfully developed, and ardently supported by our Board of Directors and our generous, engaged donors. To drive that mission efficiently and effectively, we knew we needed to increase our staff. With the support of our Board and you, our steadfast donors, we were gifted with the missing puzzle pieces of The Promise, Nicole Herbert, and Trae Cary, who you will learn more about in this annual report. Those CHANGES have had the greatest IMPACTS. The Greenwood Promise has evolved into a full-circle program that begins with a monumental promise made to our kindergarteners, continues with the support of our elementary, middle, and high school students, keeps going with the mentoring and counseling of our seniors with college application and FAFSA assistance, is vital to their college experience through financial and career support and experiences, and finishes with successful program completion and job placement. Each of you has played an INTEGRAL role in these students’ lives and we are beholden to you for your commitment to our students and community. WOW! 2022 was awesome, but just wait for what we have in store for 2023!